Barisan Simpatisan Member and Cadre of PKB throughout West Java (West Java) supports the formation of the PKB Special Committee. The special committee was formed to evaluate PKB during the leadership of Muhaimin Iskandar or Cak Imin which was deemed deviated from the history of the establishment of the PKB in Ciganjur in 1999.

The support from the PKB Special Committee as a result of the PBNU plenary meeting became the attitude of Barisan Simpatisan Members and PKB Cadres throughout West Java who observed the polemic of the feud between PBNU and PKB recently.

"Supporting the PBNU Special Committee team to evaluate, correct PKB during Muhaimin Iskandar's leadership which has deviated from the party's struggle line as the party was founded in the beginning," reads Barisan Simpatisan, a member and cadre of PKB throughout West Java in a written statement, Friday, August 16.

According to them, many PKB policies and decisions were not appropriate, crashing and even violating.

Among them is the Shura Council which has been amputated by Cak Imin Cs. Even though the Shura Council is the Party's Highest Institution as a mandater who has a central role to decide on strategic policies.

In the presidential, legislative and regional elections, the Shura Council is known to have the right to decide and sign a parai decision including signing the DPW and DPC decrees.

"We support the PBNU Special Committee to do our best to return the PKB to the PBNU lap because PKB was founded and born to NU (PBNU). 'PKB exists because Gus Dur, PKB exists because of NU (PBNU)," continued the attitude.

Barisan Simpatisan Anggota dan Kader PKB se-Jabar melihat demokrasi telah dikebidah dalam kepemimpinan Cak Imin lantaran pemilihan ketua partai baik di wilayah atau di branch hanya atas sependak hati pengangkatan ketua umum.

They also observed the PKB logo which often changes in election contestation, confusing nahdliyin and voters. This violates the meaning of the PKB logo, which is a centri which was created and declared by the PKB kiai and declarators.

"Supporting the PBNU Special Committee to hold a higher forum, namely the PKB Congress or the Extraordinary PKB Congress (MLB PKB) to replace the General Chairperson of Muhaimin Iskandar because it has violated the party's AD/ART and has served three consecutive terms so that the regeneration of the Mandeg leadership," continued the attitude.

Seeing the development of PKB until now, the Barisan Simpatisan of PKB members and cadres throughout West Java admitted that they were concerned. They also encourage the evaluation and rescue efforts of PKB from those who have been collaborating with parties as if this party belongs to the private and kroninya.

With a thorough evaluation, the Special Committee is also expected to work to revive PKB and PBNU relations both historically, culturally and aspiratively.

"Pansus PKB closely selects the upcoming PKB General Chair candidate which is in line with PBNU, has a good track record, is capable, blue-blooded Ciahganjur, understands national and geopolitical politics and brings the party to greatness and glory as first established by PKB," said the statement of attitude.

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