The NasDem Party finally closed to the Golkar Party coalition and the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI) to carry Dico Ganinduto as a candidate for mayor of Semarang in the 2024 Semarang City Regional Head Election (Pilkada).

The leaders of three political parties met Dico at a restaurant in Semarang, Thursday, August 15 evening, to discuss steps to face the 2024 Semarang City Pilkada contestation.

During the meeting, it was seen that the chairman of the Semarang City Golkar Party DPD Erry Sadewo, the chairman of the Semarang City PSI DPD Bangkit Maantiyo, and the chairman of the Semarang City NasDem Party DPD Setyo Budi.

"Mas Dico is still young, has extraordinary passion, intelligence exists, and his actions are also real," said Semarang City NasDem Party DPD chairman Setyo Budi conveying the reason for carrying Dico, reported by ANTARA.

By joining NasDem to Golkar and PSI, he also clarified that the political parties he leads have never joined the Semarang Maju Coalition.

"It's not that we revoked or left (the Semarang Maju Coalition). Indeed, we haven't joined. For invitations, yes, we sent several administrators as invitations," he said.

The Semarang Maju Coalition was previously formed from six political parties that carried Yoyok Sukawi who is also a cadre of the Democratic Party as a candidate for mayor of Semarang.

For the deputy mayor candidate, Budi said NasDem handed over to Dico to determine because he would accompany him in leading forward if elected.

The chairman of the Semarang City PSI DPD Bangkit Mahanantiyo also said that he would consistently carry Dico to run in the 2024 Semarang City Pilkada in accordance with the direction from the center.

"From the beginning, we took a linear breath with the DPP program, how did Mas Dico win. Regardless of who the representative was, later while walking," he said.

Erry Sadewo as Chairman of the Semarang City Golkar Party DPD is also optimistic that Dico will win the Semarang City Pilkada contestation.

Meanwhile, Dico Ganinduto explained that the meeting was to finalize the Golkar Party and PSI coalition, along with the entry of the NasDem Party.

"Today, we are also finalizing a coalition that God willing, has determined and agreed between PSI, Golkar, and NasDem. We will form a coalition in Semarang City," he said.

Although in terms of vote acquisition, it is enough to carry candidates in the Pilkada with the joining of NasDem, Dico admits that it is possible that other parties will join.

"We hope that there are still several more parties that join so that our coalition will get bigger," said the Kendal Regent.

Until now, only the Gerindra Party has not yet decided which coalition to join, while the PDI-P has enough seats to carry its own candidates in the 2024 Semarang City Pilkada.

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