Chairman of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Khoirudin, said that his party is still preparing to prepare a legal umbrella to implement free schools for the private sector in Jakarta.

The regulation regarding free schools that will be applied in the 2025/2026 school year is contained in the revision of Regional Regulation (Perda) Number 8 of 2006 concerning the Implementation and Management of Education. Khoirudin targets the revision of the regional regulation to be completed by the end of this month.

"What is not ready is the regulation. I want to speed up immediately so that we can complete the Regional Regulation on Education at the end of January," Khoirudin told reporters, Tuesday, January 7.

Khoirudin emphasized that local regulations are needed so that the free school program runs optimally. This is because this regional regulation regulates rights, obligations, and sanctions related to the implementation of free schools.

"If it is not supported by the regional regulation, it is feared that the technicalities will not be maximized and the implementation in the field will violate the rules," he said.

In the 2025 Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD), the free school budget and the Jakarta Smart Card (KJP) Plus in the APBD was agreed to be IDR 2.3 trillion.

Khoirudin explained that the distribution of KJP will be part of the free school program. Given that the tuition fee for the school has been free, the KJP will be sufficient for the purchase of school needs.

"Now the school is free. So the KJP is there, only to buy shoes, pants, clothes, training, t-shirts, hats, and ties. School equipment, because the money that can be received has been put into the school for free," he added.

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