Minister of Religion Nasaruddin Umar emphasized that the government is implementing the principle of justice for all school children in Indonesia in the Free Nutrition Food (MBG) program.
"The principle of justice. So everything is the same - received the MBG program," said Nasaruddin Umar as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, January 8.
Nasaruddin Umar said the free nutritious eating program does not only target educational institutions under the auspices of the Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education.
Islamic boarding schools and madrasas that are under the authority of the Ministry of Religion also carry out free nutritious eating programs.
"Islamic boarding school children are also children of the nation, right. Of course they have the same rights as others. Some have started as well," said Nasaruddin.
Meanwhile, the Head of the Presidential Communication Office Hasan Nasbi said that the large number of appreciations from the public, including the 'love letter' to President Prabowo Subianto, was an encouragement from the government and officers to present a more optimal Free Nutrition Food (MBG) program.
According to Hasan, reports related to the progress of the Free Nutrition Food Priority Program (MBG) are always submitted regularly by the Head of the National Nutrition Agency (BGN) Dadan Hindayana to President Prabowo Subianto, and of course every entry and appreciation is also conveyed.
"All thanks and hopes from the community are certainly an encouragement for friends in BGN and workers in the MBG kitchen to be able to provide better service," Hasan said.
Hasan said President Prabowo would later conduct direct monitoring to schools but the schedule was not disclosed.
This is intended so that the implementation of the Free Nutrition Food program can be seen how the progress when running is implemented naturally.
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