JAKARTA - The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, reviewed the preparations for the 2024 Annual Session which will be held in the plenary session room, Nusantara building, MPR/DPR complex, Friday, August 16.

Puan ensured that all preparations at the DPR Building were good so that the event held tomorrow could run smoothly.

"All preparations are quite good and good. We just have to make sure tomorrow's event runs smoothly and successfully and gives a good impression for the invitees," said Puan, Thursday, August 15.

Puan checked in detail all preparations, starting from decorations, rows of chairs, choirs, to ensuring that the series of events had been well prepared. In fact, he arranged the location of the pen and paper to be used during the Annual Session tomorrow.

To note, the 2024 Annual Session contains three agendas, namely, first, the Annual Session of the MPR RI in the context of the Indonesian Independence Day which was attended by President Joko Widodo and invited guests.

Second, the Joint Session of the DPR and DPD where this year the DPR will host. On the agenda of the Joint Session of the DPR and DPD tomorrow, Puan will deliver a state speech.

The third agenda in the series of Annual Sessions is the Plenary Meeting of the Opening of the DPR's final Session Period for the 2019-2024 period. On this agenda, President Jokowi will submit the Introductory to the Draft Law on the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN) for the 2025 Fiscal Year and its Financial Note.

The 2024 Annual Session will raise the theme of Nusantara Baru, advanced Indonesia. To strengthen the theme, ornaments and interiors to lighting at the event venue, more expressively display and highlight batik decorations.

When checking preparations, Puan also asked for a rehearsal to be carried out for the DPR's inaugural Plenary Meeting during the last trial of this period. He wants to make sure all preparations are in accordance with the specified protocol.

"This annual trial is very special because it is also the last trial in the remaining DPR, DPD and MPR periods 2019-2024," explained Puan.

Even at the 2024 Annual Session, President Jokowi will deliver his last accountability speech. It is estimated that 3,000 invited guests will attend the 2024 Annual Session.

Apart from President Jokowi and Vice President Ma'ruf Amin, the DPR-DPD Joint Session which is still in one series with the 2022 MPR Annual Session was also attended by a number of former presidents and former vice presidents. Then there were also leaders of state institutions, as well as ranks of the Ministers of the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet.

"Everything has been well prepared. We hope that everything is safe and smooth. Security is also ready to ensure the safety of the event and invited guests," explained Puan.

The security of the Annual Session itself is also the same as in previous years where internal security in the DPR will cooperate with external elements, such as the TNI, Polri and Paspamres.

"Please pray for all from the Indonesian people so that tomorrow's Annual Session will run smoothly, solemnly and safely," concluded Puan.

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