JAKARTA - Chairman of the National Awakening Party (PKB) Muhaimin Iskandar (Cak Imin) talked about his desire to return to office as party leader in the 6th Congress which will be held on August 24-25.

Cak Imin admitted that he did not necessarily immediately receive the mandate to serve as general chairman in the 2024-2029 period. He emphasized that there would be an evaluation of the party's management which would be discussed with all ranks, from the central, regional, to branch levels.

"Each congress must fully hand over to the Muktamirin, DPC, DPW. At the congress there will be an evaluation of failure evaluations, mistakes, the shortcomings will definitely be beaten. But there is also an evaluation of success, achievement, appreciation," said Cak Imin after visiting the vice president's official residence. Ma'ruf Amin on Jalan Diponegoro, Central Jakarta, Thursday, August 15.

If the evaluation of the party by the members was low, Cak Imin admitted that he was reluctant to return to the general chairman after carrying out the position that had been carried out for 19 years.

"Well, later whether I'm a failure or successful, I don't know. If I fire, I'm red, I don't want to go forward," he said.

Regarding who the replacement person who has the opportunity to serve as chairman of the PKB other than himself, Cak Imin admits that he does not know. He left the decision to the grassroots, "The DPC has the independence to determine," he continued.

The congress is the PKB's highest decision-making forum attended by all representatives or envoys from the regional leadership council (DPW) and branch leadership councils (DPC) throughout Indonesia, including the PKB autonomous body. This year, the congress was attended by 2,300 PKB cadres.

During the congress, the Chairman of the PKB DPP Faisol Riza as the Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Congress said that PKB would follow up on the wishes of all regional party officials to branches. PKB Chairman Muhaimin Iskandar was confirmed to be returning to lead the party in the next period.

"Regarding the request to Mr. Muhaimin as the general chairman of the PKB to lead again, it has been conveyed by all branches and DPW asking for his willingness to re-lead PKB in the upcoming government and in the upcoming DPP management," said Faisol at the PKB DPP office, Central Jakarta, Thursday, August 8.

Faisol explained that the agenda of the congress began with an accountability report from the DPP Management for the 2019-2024 period.

Furthermore, the PKB ranks held a number of trials related to, for example, programs or outlines of parties in the management for the next five years. The main thing is whether PKB will join the Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka government or be on the opposition line.

"In general, the voices of all branches and DPWs have so far wanted almost everyone to say that PKB must join the upcoming government," explained Faisol.

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