JAKARTA - The United States on Tuesday approved the sale of military equipment to Israel worth US$20 billion (Rp313,903,000,000,000), as the country continued the 10-month war in the Gaza Strip.

The US Department of Defense (Pentagon) said in a statement that Foreign Minister Antony Blinken approved the sale of F-15 fighter jets and its supporting equipment worth nearly US$19 billion, a US$774 million cartridge tank, an explosive mortar cartridge worth more than US$60 million worth US$583 million. military vehicle, reported by Reuters August 14.

McDonnell Douglas' F-15 fighter jet, which is now part of Boeing, is expected to take years of production, expected its delivery to begin in 2029. Other equipment will begin shipping in 2026, according to the Pentagon.

An expert in the process said that some shipments could even be made before 2026.

"The United States is committed to Israel's security, and it is very important for US national interests to help Israel develop and maintain a strong and ready self-defense capability," the Pentagon said.

The US and its allies are Israel's largest arms suppliers who have so far shipped more than 10,000 bombs weighing 2,000 pounds that have been devastating and thousands of Hellfire missiles to Israel since the start of the Gaza war in October, US officials told Reuters in June.

Washington itself has faced growing domestic and international criticism for its military support for Israel.

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