JAKARTA - The Russian Foreign Intelligence Agency (SVR) said in a statement the United States saw former Ukrainian Interior Minister Arsen Avakov as the ideal replacement for President Volodymyr Zelensky.

"Former Ukrainian Interior Minister Arsen Avakov is currently considered the right candidate. America sees Avakov's close ties to Ukraine's nationalist formation and its ongoing relationship with European leaders as its strength," the statement read.

According to the SVR, White House officials believe this move "will allow the West to prepare better for possible talks with Russia in resolving the conflict."

According to data from the Russian Foreign Intelligence Agency, US elites are increasingly dissatisfied with President Zelensky, and "noises questioning the wisdom of sending billions of dollars worth of military aid to Kyiv are getting louder", both in Democrats and Republicans.

"Zelensky is taking reckless steps that threaten to escalate tensions far outside Ukraine. The head of the Kyiv regime has turned to panic measures because he is more concerned with maintaining power in situations where his presidency will end on May 20. However, Washington is looking for options to replace Ukraine's leader with someone more easily regulated, not too corrupt and will fit all of Ukraine's Western allies," SVR said.

The intelligence agency further noted, "The US government has instructed NGOs affiliated with them to make Avakov's scenario in power in Ukraine."

"This issue is being discussed with the leaders of Ukraine's main opposition parties, Yulia Timoshenko from Batkivshchina and Pyotr Poroshenko from the European Solidarity, as well as with a number of influential members of Verkhovna Rada (partlemen) representing the ruling People's Servant party. There are plans to launch a massive information campaign to discredit Zelensky for him to step down," the statement said.

"It seems that as America is looking for black cats in a dark room, a sane politician in Ukraine's post-Maidan leadership, Ukraine is slowly but surely turning into a European black hole. The only real basis for talks remains unchanged as Russian President Vladimir Putin has repeatedly clarified. The only question is whether there will be a topic of conversation," the SVR node.

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