Tanggamus Police personnel in Lampung are investigating a case of alleged bullying or bullying involving perpetrators and victims of State 1 Junior High School (SMP) students Pematang Sawah.

"Yes, we have visited the crime scene, and asked for statements from victims and witnesses," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of Tanggamus Police AKP Muhammad Jihad Fajar Balman when contacted, Tuesday, August 13, confiscated by Antara.

He said the alleged bullying was experienced by a student with the initials A (12) a student of Pematang Sawah Junior High School.

"The report has been received by the Tanggamus Police SPKT officer, this case will later be handled by the PPA Unit. We are handling the case following the system of handling child cases that apply in our country, sir. Of course we will finish the case. And it is still in process," he said. According to him, acts of bullying both physically and verbally can have serious psychological impacts on the victims.

Various forms of bullying that often occur among teenagers such as ridicule, spread of rumors, exclusion and physical violence to the detriment of victims.

Due to this incident, his party immediately conducted socialization to several schools about the dangers of bullying so that the incident does not happen again.

To note, previously a video circulated of a public junior high school student being persecuted by a number of students in Pematang Sawah, Tanggamus Regency, Lampung.

From the video footage, it can be seen that a student wearing a scout uniform is sitting surrounded by a number of other students and being mistreated.

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