TANJUNG SELOR - North Kalimantan Police Chief (Kaltara) Inspector General Hary Sudwijanto released the disclosure of the crime of smuggling 42 kilograms (kg) of methamphetamine.

The Kapolda revealed that the drugs smuggled from Malaysia would be sent to East Kalimantan (Kaltim) and South Sulawesi (Sulsel).

"The perpetrator is suspected of being an international network. The chronology of the first arrest is 15 kg of methamphetamine which was revealed by the Regional Police's Narcotics Directorate Opsnal Team on Saturday 27 July 2024 Around 01.00 WITA," said the Kaltara Police Chief, Monday, August 12.

"Information from the public will have drug transactions around Pimpang Village or Panca Agung (Tanjung Palas Tengah), then the team will investigate and at 03.00 WITA, the Opsnal Team managed to secure Marthen Luther Panggalo alias Talinga while taking two bags from beside residents' houses," he continued.

From the results of the examination, the two bags contained 15 packs of methamphetamine which were packaged in green Chinese Tea wrappers.

"The suspect admitted that the methamphetamine belonged to Brother J alias T (DPO) whom he received from a male courier he did not know in Panca Agung Village, plans to be taken to Samarinda with 3 of his friends using a rental car who managed to escape when he saw the suspect arrested by officers," said the Kapolda.

The suspect Marthen Luther Panggalo Alias Talinga acts as a 15 kg Meth Courier or carrier with a promised salary of IDR 100 million.

"The second disclosure was that the Opsnal team of the Narcotics Directorate of the Kaltara Police again managed to arrest 2 perpetrators who were involved in the distribution of methamphetamine in the Tanjung Selor Berau Axis Road Area (KM 06) Jelarai Selor Village," he explained.

While the second disclosure began on Monday, August 5. The North Kalimantan Police's Narcotics Directorate Opsnal Team received information from the public about the delivery of methamphetamine.

"From the results of the investigation, the team managed to get the characteristics of the car and the person who was going to bring methamphetamine, at around 22.30 WITA, the Opsnal Team stopped the black Toyota Innova Reborn with the police number KT 1665 MS who was about to go to Samarinda," said the Kapolda.

The results of the examination found 2 blue and black bags containing 27 plastic packs of Chinese Tea brand Guanyinwang containing methamphetamine.

"The methamphetamine type narcotics were taken from Malinau, from an unknown person and will be taken to Samarinda to be handed over to H (DPO) as many as 9 packs and the remaining 18 packs will continue to be brought to Pare-pare, South Sulawesi, two DPOs namely H and C,"

The Regional Police Chief emphasized that his party continues to be committed to eradicating the abuse of illicit drug trafficking.

"Of course we will also cooperate with various parties to create Kaltara that is clean from drug syndicates," he concluded.

The suspects were charged with Article 114 paragraph (2) of Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics.

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