JAKARTA - The Japanese space agency (JAXA) on Monday revealed to the media some of the basic training processes undertaken by astronaut candidates with the help of ANA Holdings Inc., to better prepare future space explorers.
Prospective astronauts Ayu Yoneda and Makoto Suwa are tested for their ability to cope with emergencies in the Boeing 777 flight simulator at the ANA training facility, the parent company All Nippon Airways Co., quoted from Kyodo News Aug. 5.
In Monday's drills, the two candidates underwent virtual flights between Tokyo and Osaka, with an instructor observing how they responded to a sudden state of emergency such as engine damage and bad weather.
"While in the air, we need to share our views rather than make our own decisions," said Yoneda, a former surgeon, after training.
"I think the same can be said about the International Space Station. We have to respond to danger as a team," he continued.
Meanwhile, Suwa, a former World Bank official, said, "The training is focused on flying the plane safely under pressure of time. I think it will be very helpful in space too."
Both were selected last year by the Japanerospace Exploration Agency as astronaut candidates, after opening recruitment for the first time in 13 years in 2021.
ANA is trusted to conduct some training related to astronauts' mental preparation for their space missions, by looking at skills such as leadership, teamwork and decision-making.
The training started in April last year and is expected to last until October this year. This training helps candidates gain the knowledge and skills astronauts need.
This is the first time private companies have participated in the agency's long-term training. JAXA said it was increasing cooperation with private companies to offer sustainable training for future astronauts.
"After training, the agency's review committee will officially decide whether they deserve to be astronauts," JAXA said.
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