KARAWANG - Kiky Andriawan, head of the Islamic boarding school in Majalaya District, Karawang Regency, West Java, admitted his mistake and mistake in educating his female students. In a statement delivered at the Office of the Ministry of Religion of Karawang Regency on Friday, August 9, Kiky admitted that he used harsh words as an effort to discipline students. However, he emphasized that there was no physical contact or direct punishment for students.

"I realized that I was wrong, made a mistake, maybe I was too harsh in educating so that I spoke harsh words, but I did that, because they themselves sometimes forget the rules. But I make sure, there is no direct physical contact in the form of punishment for students," he said when giving a statement at the Karawang Regency Ministry of Religion Office, Friday, regarding complaints against him in cases of harassment.

Kiky Andriawan was reported to the police on charges of sexual harassment against female students. Kasatreskrim Karawang Police, AKP Muhammad Nazal Fawwaz, revealed that his party had received a report regarding the sexual abuse case at the Majalaya Islamic boarding school. The report was received on Wednesday night 7 August from a number of parents of victims who were accompanied by legal aid agencies in Karawang.

The victim's attorney, Saepul Rohman, stated that it was suspected that the head of the Islamic boarding school had sexually abused 20 female students during the recitation process. The mode used is to give punishment by holding sensitive areas of the victims and showing adult videos.

Kiky Andriawan denied the allegations. He claimed that the reports circulating were not true and seemed exaggerated. He also showed that the number of students in class IX only amounted to 16 people, consisting of 11 women and 5 men, which differed from the number 20 victims reported.

"I ensure that the issue of alleged sexual harassment that is rolling out is not true," he said.

Kiky suspects that this accusation may have been sparked by female students who were annoyed after being reprimanded for dating. He also regretted the reporting even though previously there had been an agreement to resolve the problem internally.

"Because I was worried, I was reprimanded. Maybe this is what makes my students still have a grudge in the end. Then this santri affects other students, and makes other reports to their parents," he said.

Kiky stated that he would ask for legal assistance and be ready to follow the legal process cooperatively. He also hopes that if the allegations are not proven, the good name of the pesantren institution can be restored.

The police and related institutions will continue to investigate to ensure the truth of these allegations

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