Secretary General of the PDI-P Hasto Kristiyanto revealed that there was an attempt to tackle the Jakarta gubernatorial election. Anies Baswedan felt the same way as Hasto.

"I heard the comments of the Secretary General of PDIP. I feel you, Mr. Hasto," said Anies when met in Kembangan, West Jakarta, Friday, August 9.

Now, the constellation of candidates for governor-deputy in Jakarta is heating up. NasDem, PKB, and PKS, who previously stated that they would carry Anies, are being teased by the Prebowo-Gibran Indonesia Maju Coalition (KIM) in the 2024 presidential election.

Prior to the registration period for regional head candidates to the KPU, the former Governor of DKI Jakarta admitted that he was still monitoring the political dynamics that had developed as long as no official announcement of the coalition of parties had yet been formed.

"Alhamdulillah, officially we haven't heard anything. So, there are so many rumors. There are so many speculations. We follow an official attitude because that is the attitude that is the reference for all of us," explained Anies.

Along with that, Anies admitted that he still absorbs aspirations to public complaints about Jakarta's problems to be formulated in the idea of his candidacy in the future.

"The question of the Deputy Minister of Religion, dr. yesterday, no one asked what his party was, whose deputy was, there were tackles. No one asked that. Residents asked about, 'Sir, what about KJP?', 'Sir, what about my land?', 'Sir, what kind of education is this?', This is actually the essence of the election," he explained.

Previously, Hasto Kristiyanto admitted that he received a report that certain parties were trying to prevent Anies from running for the 2024 Jakarta gubernatorial election.

"If we receive a report, there are indeed efforts to block Anies Baswedan's candidacy. Anyone who is by a process that should be democratic, but when there are efforts to block certain candidates, our democratic life is not healthy," said Hasto. met at the National Gallery, Central Jakarta, Thursday, August 8th.

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