YOGYAKARTA - The luxury terminal is an interesting phenomenon in the world of psychology and medicine that invites the curiosity of many people. The lucidity terminal is defined as a condition for a person's health and memory to improve suddenly before he dies. So what is a luxury terminal?

Some of you may have heard or witnessed someone who had a terminal lucidity. This condition certainly shocked because someone who was already critical or helpless suddenly returned to health and was like a person who was never sick. For example, that person can move or speak smoothly.

When he saw a sick person suddenly healthy, of course he was very happy or calm. But it turned out that not long after that the person breathed his last. This is what is called the phenomenon of a lucidity terminal which is still difficult to explain medically. It is interesting to recognize what a lucidity terminal is and the facts are.

The lucidity terminal is a phenomenon where a person's memory and health suddenly improves unexpectedly shortly before death. This phenomenon often occurs in patients with serious brain disorders, such as strokes or brain tumors.

The term terminal lucidity was first introduced by Michael Nahm, a biologist and researcher from Germany. "Lucidity" means clarity, while "terminal" refers to circumstances leading up to death.

Therefore, the lucidity terminal is defined as a sudden return to the clarity of the mind towards the end of a person's life. This phenomenon is still a matter of debate among experts.

Many people believe that terminal lucidity is a gift from God. In this case, they believe that God provides an opportunity for families to spend the last moment with their loved ones.

Until now, there has been no clear scientific explanation of this phenomenon. However, this can indeed happen to some patients who have long suffered from disease.

A study shows that terminal lucidity can last from a few minutes to a few days. Although it only takes a short time, patients are usually able to convey meaningful and well-understood things.

The lucidity terminal is most often experienced by patients with brain disorders or a nervous system, as well as mental disorders that have been going on for a long time or are quite severe. For example, someone with such conditions cannot recognize other people, cannot speak clearly, or do normal activities.

Some of the diseases associated with terminal lucidity are as follows:

Currently, the lucidity terminal is still a research topic for experts. What is clear, not all patients with severe brain or mental disorders will experience this phenomenon.

Various medical records show that terminal lucidity phenomena can vary between one patient and another. A case study published in Omega's journal in 2013 described the occurrence of the lucidity terminal experienced by Anna Katharina Ehmer, a 26-year-old woman.

Ehmer suffered from severe mental disabilities and is thought to have never spoken in his entire life. However, it was reported that he sang a song for half an hour before he died.

Another case was published by The Guardian in 2021, regarding Ward Porterfield from South Dakota, United States. Porterfield is the 83-year-old man who was diagnosed with dementia three years earlier.

Ward Porterfield could no longer recognize his daughter. But one day, he could suddenly recognize his daughter and talk to her normally. Two days after the incident, he died.

There are many similar cases that experts are still studying. However, the pattern that is often found is that the patient suddenly recovers from his illness and is able to do things that previously could not, such as talking or eating well.

Demikianlah review tentang apa itu terminal lucidity dan fakta-fakta dari fenomena ini. Terminal lucidity adalah kondisi ketika seseorang-tiba memiliki kesehatan dan memorim yang membaik di waktu beberapa saat sebelum meninggal. Baca juga apa itu glioblastoma, penyakit tumpu berlur yang sulit dimbuh.

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