SIAK - Tualang Sector Police, Siak Regency, Riau arrested a man for possession of 7 kilograms of dried marijuana leaves that had been packaged and ready to be circulated in the Perawang Village area.
The head of the Tualang Police, Kompol Hendrix, confirmed the arrest of the owner of a dried marijuana leaf type narcotics in the Tualang sub-district. The arrest of the perpetrator was based on information from residents who were furious with drug transactions.
"Precisely, at the barbershop, narcotics transactions of dried marijuana leaves are often carried out. Head of the Iptu Criminal Investigation Unit, Alan Arief, and the Tualang Police opsnal team conducted an investigation into the truth," he said as quoted by Antara, Thursday, August 8.
Kemudian setelah diketahui tempat tersebut, tim mengamankan salah satu laki-laki AF alias A. Lalu dilakukan penggeledahan di beberapa tempat dan didapat barang bukti dalam sejumlah paket.
The first in a plastic bag contains two packages suspected of being dried marijuana leaves wrapped in paper. The two plastic bags containing three packages were also wrapped in paper.
Furthermore, six plastic bags each containing suspected dried marijuana leaves. There are also two pieces of rice wrapping paper which contain dried marijuana leaves.
The perpetrator, according to the police chief, admitted that all the evidence would be ready for distribution. According to the perpetrator's statement, the dried marijuana leaves are his which will be sold in retail by him.
"The perpetrator has been circulating dried marijuana leaves for six months. And the heavy amount of evidence of dried marijuana leaves as much as 7 kg was confiscated from the perpetrators," he said.
Currently, the perpetrators and evidence have been secured at the Tualang Police for further investigation. As a result of his actions, the perpetrator was charged with Article 114 paragraph (2) sub-article 111 paragraph (2) of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics with the threat of imprisonment for a minimum of 6 years or a maximum of 20 years.
"There is no room and place for narcotics dealers. Let's fight drugs together," said Kompol Hendrix.
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