JAKARTA - Israel's human rights group (HAM), B'Tselem, published the latest reports of torture experienced by Palestinian prisoners.

B'Tselem said that the policy of torture to sexual harassment experienced by Palestinian prisoners was carried out by Israeli officials systematically.

The report is based on the testimony of 55 Gazans and the West Bank who have been detained in Israeli prisons since October 7, 2023.

"The testimony clearly demonstrates systematic and institutional policies focused on continuous torture of all Palestinian prisoners detained by Israel," B'Tselem reported, quoted by Arab News, Tuesday, August 6.

B'Tselem explained that Palestinians detained by Israel were the targets of beatings, torture, inhuman or demeaning treatment, making it difficult to sleep, and being victims of sexual violence repeatedly.

"Overall images show harassment and torture carried out on orders," the B'Tselem report said.

The Israeli military or the IDF responsible for the prisons where Palestinians were detained dismissed the results of the B'Tselem report.

The IDF argued that the policies applied to detainees were in accordance with legal rules and that any reports of torture were investigated.

"IDF firmly rejects allegations of systematic torture, including sexual harassment, at its detention facility," the B'Tselem report said.

Reports of human rights violations B'Tselem were published days after nine Israeli soldiers were proven to have raped Gazans at Sde Teiman prison in the Negev Desert, southern Israel, Monday, July 29, 2024.

As a result of the Palestinian prisoner's sexual torture and harassment suffered serious injuries in the anus and became difficult to walk.

The prisoner has been transferred to a hospital in Beersheba in southern Israel.

The actions of Israeli soldiers raping Palestinian prisoners were also responded to by protests by the Israeli right-wing mass.

According to military officials, the nine Israeli soldiers who carried out sexual abuse and harassment have been detained and questioned in this case.

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