JAKARTA - Former Governor of North Maluku, Abdul Gani Kasuba, said that there was a nickel mining area belonging to the daughter of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), Kahiyang Ayu in East Halmahera Regency called Blok Medan. The DPR asked law enforcement to immediately conduct an in-depth investigation into the statement.

"If the information is correct, then the more complicated the mining world for mineral and coal is, which is already concerning. But if the information is only gossip, then there needs to be clarification from Abdul Gani Kasuba," said Member of Commission VII DPR RI Mulyanto, Monday 5 August.

The legislator for the Banten III electoral district explained that the investigation of information that dragged big names such as Kahiyang and her husband, Bobby Nasution, who is also the Mayor of Medan in this corruption case required transparent and objective handling. Mulyanto asked for transparency in the investigation of the case.

"This case is very important because it involves a special figure from the Palace family who is very close to the center of power. Investigate professionally, do not let law enforcement officers appear weak in dealing with this case," he said.

In the trial of the corruption case, Abdul Gani Kasuba, there was testimony about the processing of a mining business permit for a company allegedly owned by Bobby Nasution. Abdul Gani Kasuba is said to have used the code "Blok Medan" for the processing of Bobby's mining permit.

However, Abdul Gani Kasuba admitted that the term "Medan Block" was used for processing mining permits in Halmahera for a business owned by Bobby's wife, namely Kahiyang Ayu, who was none other than President Jokowi's second child.

Mulyanto also demanded law enforcement to investigate Abdul Gani Kasuba's confession, who is currently undergoing a bribery trial so that a political wild ball does not occur and can harm one party.

"Investigations must be carried out professionally and transparently, because this case can be a barometer to measure the performance of law enforcement officers," said Mulyanto.

Di sisi lain, Mulyanto menilai korupsi pertambangan saat ini sudah menggurita dan melibatkan banyak aktor yang memiliki kekuatan baik di pusat maupun di daerah dari berbagai bidang. Oleh karenanya, Pemerintah dituntutkan melakukan reformasi sistemik yang harus mencakup peningkatan transparansi dalam proses perizinan dan pengawasan terhadap pejabat publik serta lembaga pemerintah.

"The government must immediately form an Illegal Mining Integrated Task Force (PETI), so that various problems related to these mines can be resolved properly in an integrated manner," he said.

The warning from Mulyanto is important considering that to this day the draft regarding the PETI Task Force, which has been in the State Secretariat for a long time, has not been signed by President Jokowi.

"The government has even added to the situation by giving special priority to mineral and coal IUPs to religious organizations," said Mulyanto.

Commission VIII of the House of Representatives in charge of Energy affairs urged the government to immediately sign the draft SK Task Force because currently there have been many cases of unlawful violations in several mining that are stagnant and cannot be processed. Mulyanto said that there were also cases of mining law that hung no settlements.

"The government must respond firmly and immediately follow up on the Task Force Decree so that this problem is quickly resolved and does not drag on," he said.

Mulyanto also requested that there be a repair system in the governance and duties between the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) and the Ministry of Investment/Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM). This is so that there is no overlapping of authority.

"The two ministries must be rearranged in terms of their duties and authorities so as not to overlap," said Mulyanto.

Mulyanto highlighted how the Minister of Investment/Head of BKPM Bahlil Lahadalia often intervened with the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources. Bahlil is said to have penetrated and caused a stir in the field of mining management, such as the case of the revocation of thousands of IUPs (mining business permits), giving priority mining concessions to religious organizations, extending mining permits for PT Vale and PT Freeport Indonesia, and others.

For this reason, Mulyanto reminded the importance of rearranging the duties and authorities of the agency in terms of mining matters.

"If it's like now, it will complicate the complicated situation," he concluded.

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