JAKARTA - Acting. Jakarta Education Agency Head Budi Awaluddin said his party would study the technical provision of contraceptives regulated in Government Regulation Number 28 of 2024 concerning Health.

Budi admitted that the local government still needs to explore the Health PP regulations related to the provision of contraceptives before they are implemented.

‘We will study this later and we will try to implement it later in the Education Office,’ Budi told reporters, Tuesday, 6 August.

Budi did not deny that this contraceptive regulation has the potential to generate public opposition. Therefore, the Jakarta Education Office will also coordinate with the Jakarta Health Office to implement the regulation.

‘We will coordinate with the health office on what it will be like, and after that we will follow up. Meanwhile, of course there will need to be socialisation to students,’ said Budi.

The regulation on the provision of contraceptives for school-age children and adolescents is regulated in Government Regulation (PP) Number 28 of 2024 on Health, which was recently signed by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi).

Article 101 Paragraph (1) of PP 28/2024 stipulates that reproductive system efforts according to the life cycle include the reproductive system health of infants, toddlers, and preschool children; reproductive system health of school age and adolescents; reproductive system health of adults; reproductive system health of prospective brides; and reproductive system health of the elderly.

What is highlighted, Article 103 Paragraph (4) states that reproductive health services for school age and adolescents include the provision of contraceptives.

The regulation reads as follows: ‘Reproductive health services as referred to in Paragraph (1) include at least: a. early detection of disease or screening, b. treatment, c. rehabilitation, d. counselling, e. provision of contraceptives.’

Paragraph (4) stipulates that reproductive health services which include the provision of contraceptives are carried out through a counselling system conducted by health workers, counsellors, and/or peer counsellors who have competence in accordance with their authority.

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