Chairman of the PAN faction of the DPR RI, Saleh Partaonan Daulay, said his party respects the Golkar Party's decision to carry the former regent of Purwakarta for two terms, Dedi Mulyadi, to run as a candidate for governor of West Java (Jabar) in the 2024 Pilkada.

He considered that the decision was based on serious analysis, study, and research so that it was hoped that it would bring goodness to the Jakarta Pilkada.

"Politically, we respect Golkar's steps. The decision has certainly been based on in-depth studies and analysis. Including contestation simulations that will occur in Jakarta and West Java," Saleh said as quoted by ANTARA, Sunday, August 4.

He stated that his party would first study Golkar's decision.

PAN, he continued, would participate in providing support if it was considered to bring victory and goodness.

However, he emphasized that if there is an alternative opportunity, his party will continue to strive for its cadres to contest the West Java Pilkada.

"PAN has an obligation to encourage its cadres. Of course we will see opportunities to continue to compete. If possible, yes, in Jakarta and West Java. Otherwise, at least one. Or at least in West Java," he said.

He revealed that PAN has a number of names worthy of advancing in the West Java Pilkada, including Member of Commission X DPR RI Desy Ratnasari to former Bogor Mayor Bima Arya Sugiarto.

"We have cadres who deserve to be pushed. In Jakarta there are Zita Anjani and Eko Patrio. Meanwhile, in West Java, there are Desy Ratnasari and Bima Arya. They are senior cadres in PAN and already have experience," he said.

He also hopes that PAN will have a strategic role that can be done because all parties need to be involved in cooperation in winning the election contestation, especially in West Java and Jakarta.

"PAN will certainly be happy if there is further discussion regarding this regional election. Especially for the Jakarta and West Java regional elections. After all, the two regional elections are barometers of the success of the regional elections in the national context," he said.

Previously, Friday, August 2, the Golkar Party asked the former regent of Purwakarta for two terms, Dedi Mulyadi, to run as a candidate for governor of West Java in the 2024 Pilkada.

This was confirmed after the meeting between Dedi Mulyadi and the envoy of the General Chair of the Golkar Party, Airlangga Hartarto, namely Singgih Januratmoko and a number of West Java Golkar officials in Bandung on Friday night.

"We have discussed a lot earlier. The point is that we support Pak Dedi Mulyadi to become a candidate for governor in West Java," said Singgih

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