JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Province is one of the target areas for the distribution of the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine. This vaccine is currently in polemic. Some say it is haram, others say it is halal.

However, Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria did not want to participate in the polemic. The important thing is that the AstraZeneca vaccine can be used and the central government has decided to distribute it in DKI.

"We follow the government's policy regarding vaccines. Whatever vaccines are prepared by the center, we will accept them and use them as best as possible for the people of Jakarta", said Deputy Governor Riza at the City Hall, Monday, March 22 evening.

Regarding the polemic of determining the halal or haram vaccines from England, Riza believes the government will not endanger the safety of the health of its citizens.

"Of course the central government is not arbitrary in determining the type of vaccine, where it comes from, through a process of research, a long examination. Whatever is decided, I am sure that is the best we must do together", he said.

Previously, the government had distributed the AstraZeneca vaccine to seven provinces, amid the polemic about the halal or prohibited COVID-19 vaccine from England.

Provinces that will receive vaccine quota from England are in DKI Jakarta, Maluku, East Nusa Tenggara, North Sulawesi, Bali, East Java, and Riau Islands.

The AstraZeneca vaccine targets the second stage of vaccination priority groups, namely public service officials and the elderly. The reason the AstraZeneca vaccine is distributed to the seven provinces is that it is based on considerations of areas that have priority tourism sectors and holding international events.

The AstraZeneca vaccine is distributed when there is a polemic regarding halal or haram. Chairman of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Fatwa Commission Asrorun Niam Sholeh said the composition of the British vaccine contained pork trypsin which is forbidden by Muslims.

"The legal provisions are that the first vaccine AstraZeneca products are haram because the production stages use trypsin from pigs", said Asrorun.

However, the head of the East Java Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Hasan Mutawakkil said that the AstraZeneca brand of COVID-19 vaccine was halal to use. This is different from the central MUI fatwa which makes AstraZeneca haram.

"The President immediately listened to the opinions and responses of the ulema, and the boarding school caregivers, that the AstraZeneca vaccine is halal", said Hasan.

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