JAKARTA - Member of Commission IX DPR RI, Kris Dayanti also highlighted the case of the death of a celebgram from Medan, Ella Nanda Sari Hasibuan after carrying out a fat suction operation at the Beji 'WSJ' beauty clinic, Depok, West Java. The Indonesian diva advises women to be careful and careful in choosing beauty clinics.
“ Taking care of yourself looking beautiful is important, and it is the right of all women. It's just that you have to be careful in choosing the clinic or treatment that will be done," Kris Dayanti told reporters, Tuesday, July 30.
The senior singer who is familiarly called KD also expressed his deep sorrow for the deceased and encouraged the alleged malpractice case to be thoroughly investigated.
KD also asked the government to tighten licensing regulations and requirements in the midst of the proliferation of beauty clinics.
According to him, every clinic must meet strict standards before being allowed to operate.
"In addition to tightening license regulations and requirements, it is also necessary to carry out continuous certification and training programs for medical personnel in the beauty sector to ensure the quality of the services provided. So that consumers feel safe and comfortable with their own safety," he explained.
In addition, Aurel Hermansyah's biological mother also emphasized the importance of transparency in information management regarding licensing status, inspection results, and records of beauty clinic violations.
According to KD, this information must be published transparently so that people can choose a trusted clinic.
"Thus it can reduce the risk of people being deceived by fake clinics that do not meet standards," said KD.
Furthermore, the PDIP legislator for the Malang electoral district, East Java also asked the government to carry out periodic supervision of beauty clinics.
Not only in clinical cases in Depok, West Java, but all beauty clinics and health facilities that have services for beauty treatment.
KD assessed that periodic inspections need to be carried out to prevent clinics operating without a permit. "udits must be carried out regularly to ensure compliance with regulations. Clinics that are found to violate standards must be subject to strict sanctions, including temporary or permanent closures," he said.
On the other hand, KD urges the public to be aware of the number of fake clinics, especially for female consumers. If you want to do beauty treatment, according to him, the public must really do detailed research on the beauty clinic or the intended health facility and also on the safety of beauty treatment itself.
"We need to check the clinic's permission and have the courage to ask about the doctor's information and the treatment that will be carried out. This can prevent us from being trapped from malpractice and making a clinic error," he concluded.
Regarding the fat suction case that caused Ella's death at the Depok clinic, KD confirmed that Commission IX of the DPR in charge of health affairs was ready to oversee the case. Commission IX of the DPR, said KD, also supports law enforcement if clinical violations are found.
“ We hope that the Ministry of Health will also provide assistance, so that this problem can be a joint evaluation. This is for the safety of all health services, including beauty clinics, for the entire community,” close KD.
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