JAKARTA - The candidate for Governor of West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Lalu M Iqbal sowan went to the residence of the elder Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) TGH Turmudzi Badarudin at the Qomarul Huda Islamic Boarding School (Ponpes) Bagu Village, Pringgarata District, Central Lombok Regency.

Tuan Guru Bagu sapaan akrabnya merupakan ulama kharismatik asal Pulau Lombok dan merupakan Mustasyar Pengurus Besar Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU).

"He conveyed a lot of things to me and my family earlier. He also told me about kindness, humility of heart how to make kindness between others," Iqbal said in a written statement in Mataram, Saturday, July 28, which was confiscated by Antara.

Lalu Iqbal's gathering was accompanied directly by his wife and a number of extended families such as his younger brother and cousin.

Then Iqbal had time to enter TGH Badaruddin Turmudzi's room. He then received advice on ethics to morals.

"A value that needs to be sampled, imitated, practiced in order to always be in the corridor of ethics and have morals," he said.

He conveyed that a number of matters related to the dynamics and political developments ahead of the 2024 Pilkada.

In addition, he conveyed news related to supporting parties.

"The most important thing about this gathering is asking for his blessing to run in the NTB Pilkada this year," he said.

The former Indonesian Ambassador to Turkey will be paired with the Regent of Bima Indah Regency, Dhamayanti Putri and has pocketed a number of political parties (political parties) to run in the 2024 NTB Pilkada including the Gerindra, PPP, PAN, PSI and Gelora parties.

Iqbal masih membuka diri bila ada partai lain yang akan mendukung maju di Pilgub NTB 27 November 2024.

"Building NTB requires the support of all parties," he said.

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