JAKARTA - The Institute for the Assessment of Food, Drugs, and Cosmetics (LPPOM), the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) emphasized that the AstraZeneca type of COVID-19 vaccine has been declared haram in its legal provisions.

LPPOM MUI even stated that they could prove the vaccine if in the production process using trypsin which comes from the pork pancreas. This conclusion was obtained after reviewing all the vaccine documents from England.

Director of LPPOM MUI, Muti Arintawati, explained that her party had carried out two study steps. First, the dossier study. The second is the study of scientific publications.

"Dossier is a document that contains complete materials related to the COVID-19 vaccine produced by AstraZeneca. The dossier was obtained by MUI after conducting a document audit at Food and Drug Control Agency (BPOM)", Muti said in his statement, Monday, March 22.

In fact, said Muti, LPPOM MUI sent two Lead Auditors for Medicine and Vaccines with expertise in Biopreses Engineering and Industrial Microbiologist. There are three steps taken by the auditors.

Muti explained that they studied the ingredients and process of making vaccines from dossiers at BPOM, then conducted studies from scientific publications. These publications are freely accessible on the EMA website.

After that, continued Muti, the Auditor conducted a search for the media used in accordance with the findings in scientific publications.

"The auditor then conducted a study on AstraZeneca's scientific publications which can be accessed via the Web with the title Assessment hassle COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca Common name: COVID-19 Vaccine (ChAdOx1-s [recombinant]) Procedure No. EMEA / H / C / 005675/000, 29 January 2021 EMA / 94907.2021 Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP)", she said.

Muti said that the MUI's point of departure for determining the prohibition law of the COVID-19 vaccine produced by AstraZeneca lies in trypsin which comes from the pork pancreas.

According to her, in the preparation of Recombinant Seed (Research Virus Seed) until the vaccine is ready for use for production (master seed and working seed stage), there is the use of trypsin from pigs as a component in the media used to grow E-coli with the aim of regenerating p5713 p plasmid transfection -DEST ChAdOc1 nCov-19.

"Both information is listed in the dossier reviewed in Table 2 Material of Animal Origin Used in Non-GMP Host Cell Line Culture and Banking. There is information that Trypsin is purified from the porcine pancreas. And in Table 3 regarding Material of Animal Origin Used in Pre-GMP Virus Seed Development, there is a statement that states that LB Broth contains bovine peptone and the porcine enzyme", concluded Muti.

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