JAKARTA - DPR Speaker Puan Maharani officially opened the 2nd Indonesia-Pacific Parliamentary Partnership (IPPP) with President Joko Widodo in Senayan, Jakarta.

The session of the Indonesian parliamentary forum with the parliament of countries in the Pacific region was attended by 16 countries in the Pacific region.

At the beginning of her speech, Puan expressed her gratitude for the presence of the leaders and members of Parliament from Pacific countries at this second IPPP meeting.

Puan spoke about the IPPP initiated by the DPR, where a meeting between the Indonesian parliament and the parliament of Pacific countries was first held in 2018.

According to Puan, since then the spirit to strengthen the parliamentary partnership between Indonesia and Pacific countries has remained maintained and even grew stronger.

"Today, the strong spirit of brotherhood is shown by the level of attendance of the Parliamentary Leaders at this meeting," said Puan in her opening speech at the Fairmont Hotel, Senayan, Jakarta, Thursday, July 25.

Of the delegates who attended the 2nd IPPP Session, eight of them were chairmen of parliament. While the rest are deputy leaders and members of parliament, to senators.

Puan said the relationship between Pacific and Indonesian countries is a comprehensive relationship. Not only has solid relations between governments, he said, Pacific countries also have strong relations between parliaments.

"Even today we can hold a meeting between the Speakers of the Parliament of Pacific countries and Indonesia," he said.

Puan assessed that Indonesia and Pacific countries have something in common, namely surrounded by water and oceans. As well as having the same value, namely visiting democracy, respecting human rights, and carrying out good governance.

As an archipelagic country, continued Puan, Indonesia and Pacific countries face the same challenges as the threat of climate change, disaster, and challenges in marine and water management. This similarity, said Puan, can be the capital for better relationship development in the future with a focus on working together on issues that are of common interest.

"In this case, the foundation of the strong relationship between Indonesia and Pacific countries is a relationship based on the principle of equality, mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial unity, and peaceful coexistence," said the former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture.

Puan emphasized that all countries involved in this IPPP have the same place and can stand equally high, and both comply with international laws and UN charters. According to Puan, IPPP members must be careful so that the Pacific region does not become an arena for competition for big countries and so as not to be trapped in the competition.

"As a big family in the Pacific, we must work together in building mutual trust (trust), and mutual understanding in order to create peace and stability in the region," concluded the PDIP politician.

Meanwhile, President Jokowi in his speech appreciated the Indonesian and Pacific parliamentary partnerships. He considered IPPP to be a strategic initiative to strengthen partnerships in the region.

"This partnership is very important to be more equitable, especially now that we are facing big challenges both in terms of economic uncertainty, geopolitical tensions between great powers, the threat of climate change and various crises," said Jokowi.

"Parliamentary cooperation can be used to share experiences, to share best practices in finding joint solutions because parliament is a bridge between people's aspirations and public policy," he continued.

In line with Puan, Jokowi also highlighted the issue of climate change which is a big threat to the Pacific region so that parliamentary advocacy is needed with policy adaptation and increased infrastructure and environmental cooperation.

Jokowi also emphasized the issue of the blue economy where it is a great potential Pacific region considering its territorial waters. He assessed that parliament's encouragement to increase regional connectivity as well as collaboration in law enforcement and conservation of marine resources and materials is needed.

The third issue highlighted by Jokowi is related to the development of human resources (HR).

Through education and training carried out inclusively, including for women and youth to increase productivity and innovation. This requires the preparation of regulations from parliament to encourage the cooperation of people to people, to share knowledge sharing, experience sharing which covers all levels of society," he said.

Through the IPPP partnership, Jokowi invites to strengthen the spirit of brotherhood, mutual trust, and mutual respect between Indonesia and Pacific countries.

"Including respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity. With strong collaboration I believe we can achieve stability and prosperity in the region," said Jokowi.

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