JAKARTA - The former chairman of the North Halmahera Democrat Party's Branch Executive Board (DPC), Yulius Dagilaha, sued Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) for compensation of IDR 5 billion. The lawsuit was in the aftermath of his unilateral dismissal for attending the Extraordinary Congress (KLB) in Deli Serdang, North Sumatra.

The lawsuit is registered at the Central Jakarta District Court with number 167/Pdt.Sus-Parpol/2021/PN Jkt.Pst

In the first trial, the panel of judges, Bambang Nurcahyo, questioned the contents of the lawsuit against the defendant and the plaintiff. Both agreed to think that the lawsuit had been read.

"Is there any change in the lawsuit?" asked Bambang during a trial at the Central Jakarta District Court, Monday, March 22

"That is quite noble," replied the plaintiff and defendant.

Meanwhile, Yulius' attorney, Kasman Ely, stated that the claim for compensation of Rp. 5 billion was because his client felt that he was disadvantaged. Because the dismissal was carried out unilaterally.

"He was fired without being summoned, examined, (without) giving him the opportunity to give information to the Central Executive Board (DPP). He was fired immediately from his position as Chairman of the Branch Executive Board (DPC)," said Kasman.

Especially when he attended the Extraordinary Congress (KLB), said Kasman, his client did not have the capacity to be the head of the Branch Executive Board (DPC). Therefore, the dismissal was very detrimental to his client.

"The person concerned (Yulius) is also an active member of the Regional House of Representatives (DPRD) so that he feels disadvantaged because if he is fired, he will no longer act as Chairman of the North Halmahera Branch Executive Board (DPC)," he said.

Meanwhile, referring to the Case Tracking Information System (SIPP) site data of the Central Jakarta District Court, the contents of the petitum for the lawsuit, the plaintiff asked the panel of judges to state and determine that before this case a final legal binding decision, the Decree of the Democratic Party's DPP number: 34/SK/DPP.PD/DPC/III/2021 dated March 4, 2021, concerning the appointment of Lazarus as Chairman of the North Halmahera Branch Executive Board (DPC) replacing him without legal force.

In addition, the plaintiff also asked the judge to order the defendant and co-defendants to stop all actions and decisions of the plaintiff and all actions of the Democrat Party in the jurisdiction of North Halmahera Regency, North Maluku, until a court ruling in this case has permanent legal force.

For information, the follow-up hearing in this case will roll on March 29, 2021, with the agenda of responding to the defendants. Then the replica on April 5, 2021, duplicate April 12, 2021, proof of the plaintiff's letter on April 19, 2021, proof of the defendant's letter on April 26, 2021, and proof of witnesses on May 3, 2021.

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