JAKARTA - The Gerindra Party announced the names of six governor candidates that have been decided by General Chair Prabowo Subianto to be promoted in the 2024 Pilkada.

The six names will definitely receive a decree (SK) to run in the Aceh, East Nusa Tenggara, Maluku, Central Kalimantan, South Sulawesi and Central Java gubernatorial elections.

Secretary General of the Gerindra Party, Ahmad Muzani, said Prabowo continued to carry out intense communication, studies, and deepening of various various regional figures to be promoted as candidates for governor or deputy governor, regent or deputy regent, and mayor or deputy mayor.

"And yesterday, Pak Prabowo made the decision for the five governor candidates that he has decided to run as governor candidates in five provinces," said Muzani, Monday, July 22.

The five regions are the Aceh Governor Election, East NusaTenggara (NTT), Maluku, Central Kalimantan, and Central Java. As well as South Sulawesi, so that the number of the latest cagubs decided by Prabowo is six provinces.

"For Aceh, the governor candidate he decided to run as a candidate for governor is Brother Haji Muzakir Manaf. Then for representatives, he is still communicating and coordinating, hopefully it can be from Gerindra cadres," explained Muzani.

Then, for the East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) gubernatorial election, Prabowo decided to carry a member of the DPR from Golkar, Emmanuel Melkiades Laka Lena. The Maluku governor election carries the chairman of the Maluku Province Gerindra Party DPD, Hendrik Lacirsa.

In the Central Kalimantan gubernatorial election, Prabowo decided Agustiar Sabran as a candidate for governor of Central Kalimantan Province. As well as the South Sulawesi gubernatorial election to support the pair Andi Sudirman Sulaiman-Fatmawati Rusdi.

"Then Central Java, Pak Prabowo decided that Inspector General of Police H. Ahmad Luthfi would become a candidate for governor of Central Java Province," said Muzani.

"Those are some names that Pak Prabowo has decided to run as a candidate for leader, a candidate for governor who will be elected in the upcoming Pilkada on November 27," he continued.

Muzani hopes that all Gerindra Party cadres will immediately prepare to win the governor candidate who will be registered on August 27.

"Those are some names and provinces that have been decided by Pak Prabowo as General Chair, Chairman of the Gerindra Party Board of Trustees in the upcoming Pilkada," he concluded.

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