JAKARTA - The NasDem Party announced that it would nominate Anies Baswedan to become a candidate for Governor of DKI Jakarta in the 2024 Pilkada. This was decided by the General Chairperson of NasDem Surya Paloh after meeting with Anies.

NasDem did give Anies the freedom to choose for himself who would be his accompanying deputy governor candidate in the 2024 DKI Jakarta gubernatorial and deputy governor election (Pilgub).

However, the chairman of the NasDem Party DPP Willy Aditya emphasized that the cawagub chosen by Anies would still have to go through Surya Paloh's blessing if he wanted to get a letter of recommendation for the suspension.

This also happened during the 2024 presidential election. At that time, NasDem gave Anies the freedom to choose a vice presidential candidate. However, finally NasDem encouraged Anies to pair up with Muhaimin Iskandar.

"So for the representatives, we certainly take the middle point, the common thread, and then we can sit together if we were said to be 'Finally Mr. Surya (determining)'. Well, that's proof of a pious child. Always follow the parents, right," said Willy at NasDem Tower, Central Jakarta, Monday, July 22.

This cawagub search, Willy emphasized, became Anies' homework in order to get a suspension decree from NasDem before the registration period for regional head candidates. Anies was also asked to communicate with political parties who wanted to carry him to find an agreement on who he would pair with.

"However, there is a mutual boost, then later there will also be the blessing of parents. A pious child is like that, right. Rida God depends on the pleasure of parents," he said. That's related to PR," explained Willy.

To Anies, NasDem gave criteria that must be met from the cawagub figure of choice. Among them have sufficient electability, and can be accepted by all supporting political parties.

"So so far each party, please make a proposal. But at least the two points are electability and then how solidity in the coalition becomes a record for later this can sail together," he said.

For information, there are already 3 political parties that intend to carry Anies as a candidate for the Governor of DKI Jakarta, namely NasDem, PKB, and PKS. However, NasDem and PKB have not officially issued a decree on their submission to Anies because they do not yet have a cawagub.

Meanwhile, only PKS has offered Cawagub to accompany Anies. PKS carries Anies in the Jakarta gubernatorial election and paired him with the Deputy Chairperson of the PKS Syuro Council Sohibul Iman.

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