AMBON - Ambon City Government (Pemkot) has extended the status of the natural disaster emergency response for 14 days from July 19 to August 1, 2024.

The extension of the disaster emergency response status was carried out because based on an explanation from the Maluku Province Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), Ambon is one of the cities/regencies that are still in a natural situation that is not yet calm.

"We received clarification from the Maluku Province BPBD, that the cities of Ambon, Buru, West Seram (SBB), Central Maluku are in an emergency response condition, considering that the weather conditions in this city have not subsided," he said.

In addition, the rain in Maluku, including Ambon City, has not ended, so the Government through BPBD with various inputs and weather reports by BMKG and all relevant stakeholders must extend the emergency response condition.

"Cyclone seeds are still in Philippine waters, and they have the potential to go down to Maluku, meaning there is still a high enough potential for rainfall," he said.

He explained that the determination of the emergency response status was not arbitrary, but in accordance with applicable regulations.

If the determination is carried out without being based on a complete, maximum, anticipatory study, it can have implications for the BNPB support that was sought some time ago to help residents of Ambon City.

The official also hopes that the central BNPB support for disaster victims can be realized during this emergency response period.

In addition, he also appealed and reminded all residents of this city to remain vigilant, take care of their own safety, if there is an increase in rainfall, immediately evacuate and contact BPBD to receive emergency response assistance on time.

People living in disaster-prone areas remain vigilant and monitor warnings issued by BMKG and the City Government on social media.

"For residents of Ambon city to stay alert and monitor warnings from the BMKG as well as from posts circulated through social media, we have directed the warning to be carried out per day and per hour. The point is to remain vigilant for families who are at disaster-prone points," he said.

The public is also asked to immediately report to BPBD through RT/RW devices or village/district governments in the event of a disaster.

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