The man in Pringsewu Regency, Lampung who held a divorce party was reported to the Lampung Police by his wife. The reporter stated that he was still a legal wife and reported her husband in a case of defamation and violation of the ITE Law. Together with his attorney, Natalia Diah Ayuningtyas (22), a resident of Pringsewu Regency, visited the Central Service of the Lampung Police (SPKT) to report Rian Maulana. The report was recorded with the number LP/B/299/VII/2024/SPKT/POLDA LAMPUNG. Natalia reported Rian Maulana, her ex-husband who held a divorce party that went viral on social media, on Wednesday evening. She accused Rian of defamation and spreading videos of divorce parties on her social media accounts. According to Natalia, she is still Rian Maulana's legal wife and there has been no permanent legal decision regarding their divorce. This report is based on allegations that harmed her, especially after the divorce party which is held in a luxurious manner like a wedding party. "Our marriage only lasted about three months, and the conflict that occurred was only a small problem as part of the process of self-adjustment," said Natalia after reporting, Thursday, July 18. Natalia said, the moment of the divorce party uploaded by Rian Maulana on her social media account caused a mental burden for herself and her family. "mental burden for me, moral burden for sure. But we are trying to quickly solve this problem," he said. He also denied allegations that his divorce from Rian was caused by infidelity or extortion, and called the information a hoax. "The news circulating is confusing, some say I'm cheating, some say I'm extorting, everything is a lie," said Natalia. According to Natalia, this untrue information has an impact on her work. Some of the work she should have been doing was canceled by the organizers. "One of the losses I suffered was some work was canceled, and I can't work anymore," he added. Responding to Natalia's report, the Head of Public Relations of the Lampung Police, Kombes Pol Umi Fadilah Astutik, confirmed that his party had received the report. "It's true, a woman named Natalia Dyah Ayuningtyas reported the alleged criminal act of the ITE Law, where the reporter reported that her husband had posted on the @miririan account," said Umi Fadilah. Umi Fadilah explained that the reporter felt his honor had been damaged by Reported on the viral implementation of the divorce party. "Because the complainant feels that his good name has been defamed, he reports this case to the Lampung Police," said Umi Fadilah. According to Umi Fadilah, his party will continue to be bound by a legal marriage. studying this report through investigators from the Sub-Directorate V Cyber Dit Reskrimsus Polda Lampung. "We will see if this report is possible to be examined, later we will inform you again," he said.

Previously, Rian Maulana, a resident of Pringsewu Regency, held a divorce party last Sunday. The lively divorce party went viral on social media. Through his social media account, Rian uploaded a moment of a divorce party which was held in a luxurious manner, complete with guest invitations, music entertainment, and concert-style stage. A number of flower bouquets from relatives and colleagues were seen decorating and lined up along the street around the stage of the divorce party.

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