The Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police revealed an international network of fiduciary crimes or embezzlement. This network takes over ownership of motorcycles and then exports illegally to five countries.
"Revealing the criminal acts of fiduciary and/or fraud and/or embezzlement and/or detention of international motorized vehicles," said Director of General Crimes at Bareskrim Polri Brigadier General Djuhandhani Rahardjo Puro to reporters, Thursday, July 18.
From the disclosure of this case, there were five people named as suspects, namely, NT and ATH as debtors, WRJ and HS as collectors, FI as collector seekers, HM as debtor seekers, and WS as exporters.
In addition, the disclosure of this fiduciary crime was carried out in six locations spread across Jakarta, West Java and Central Java.
From that location, 675 vehicles were confiscated, with details of 53 motorbikes and 14 vehicles in a state of dislosure in the Kelapa Gading area, East Jakarta.
Then, 210 motorcycles at Tanjung Priok Port; 24 motorbikes in Padalarang, West Java; 95 motorbikes and 180 motorbikes and 1 car in Bandung Regency.
There were also 50 motorcycles found in Cimahi, West Java; and 48 motorcycles in Cihampelas, West Java.
From the deepening, the suspects have been in action for three years. More than 20 thousand motorbikes resulting from embezzlement have been illegally sent abroad.
"Disclosure activities have succeeded in securing 675 units of motorized vehicles and supporting documents for shipping transactions of 20 thousand units of vulnerable motorcycles from February 2021 to January 2024," he said.
The countries that are the destinations of vehicles resulting from embezzlement are Vietnam, Russia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Nigeria.
As a result of this fiduciary action, there are two categories of losses that occur, namely for vehicle and state owners whose value reaches tens to hundreds of billions.
"The impact of economic losses in this case amounted to around 876,238,400,000, of which we took the average price per motorbike with a total leasing of around 40 million times 20,666 units, so that it became the number we found earlier," he said.
"In addition, we are collecting state losses, we take the tax value per motorbike an average of 800 thousand times 20,666, which is around 49,598,400,000," continued Djuhandani.
In this case, the suspects are charged with Article 35 or Article 36 of Law number 42 of 1999 concerning fiduciary guarantees, and/or Article 378 and/or Article 372 of the Criminal Code, and/or Article 480 of the Criminal Code and/or Article 481 of the Criminal Code with a maximum penalty of 7 years in prison.
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