The Banda Aceh Police Narcotics Unit arrested the perpetrators of smuggling methamphetamine-type drugs wrapped in a sunty acid box and will be sent to South Tangerang via Sultan Iskandar Muda Airport (SIM) Aceh Besar.

"The perpetrator who has been arrested is a person with the initials AA alias EDI at the Krueng Geukueh Village Train Station, North Aceh Regency Dewantara District," said Head of Narcotics Investigation Unit of the Banda Aceh Police AKP Ferdian Chandra as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, July 17.

Ferdian said the incident of sending the illicit goods occurred on Saturday, July 6, 2024 at the door of the X-ray cargo at SIM Aceh Besar International Airport.

At that time, an avsec officer at SIM airport found a cardboard box and a black plastic box containing sunty acid mixed with crystals suspected of having methamphetamine weighing 110 grams and they finally reported the findings to the police.

After receiving this information, the Narcotics Unit of the Banda Aceh Police conducted an investigation and it was discovered that the evidence was sent through one of the shipping expedition services from North Aceh.

"The sender is in the name of Edi (a fake name) whose address is at Krueng Geukueh Lhokseumawe, with the recipient Zulfadli (also a fake name), to South Tangerang City," he said.

The police then identified the sender of the illicit goods and pocketed the name of the perpetrator until the arrest was made on Tuesday, July 9, 2024, at the train station in Krueng Geukueh Village, North Aceh.

"The suspect AA admitted that it was true that he was the one who sent the package containing the methamphetamine type narcotics on orders from a man with the initials PL who is now (DPO)," he said.

Ferdian explained that suspect AA received Rp500 thousand as a service to send the crystal methamphetamine from PL. He also admitted that the narcotics were put in a sunty acid box to trick the shipping service officers.

"Suspect AA also explained that the person who gave the name and address of the recipient of the methamphetamine type narcotics package was another person with the initials AS," he said.

The perpetrators did the job of sending the methamphetamine packages only to get a profit in the form of cash.

Currently, for men with the initials PL (the owner of narcotics) and Zulfadli alias the initials AS (recipients in Tangerang) it has been determined or is included in the wanted list (DPO).

"The perpetrator was charged with Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics with the threat of death penalty, life imprisonment or a maximum imprisonment of 20 years, and a maximum fine of Rp. 10 billion," said AKP Ferdian Candra.

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