The Directorate of Special Criminal Investigation of the South Kalimantan Police (Kalsel) confiscated 9.5 tons of allegedly fake bulk oil on behalf of Pertamina in its sales packaging.

"Evidence was confiscated from the perpetrator with the initials SF at his Yasmin Workshop Jalan Trikora Basangan Ulin, Banjarbaru City," said Head of Public Relations of the South Kalimantan Police, Kombes Pol Adam Erwindi in Banjarmasin, Monday, July 15, confiscated by Antara.

The practice of selling fake Pertamina lubricants was revealed after the Unit 1 Team Sub-Directorate 1 Indagsi of the South Kalimantan Police Ditreskrimsus conducted an investigation following up on public information.

On Tuesday, July 9, the police pretended to buy a drum of oil containing 200 liters of the Pertamina type Meditran SX 15/40 W at a price of Rp. 4 million at Bengkel Yasmin.

Then the lubricant purchased was checked in coordination with Pertamina.

As a result, the oil was not in accordance with Pertamina's production standards, so further action was taken immediately by officers.

During a search at the perpetrator's workshop, the police found an activity of packing bulk oil that seemed to be Pertamina's production.

Like the press machine, 30 pcs cover the drums or fake seal that reads Pertamina, drum oil pump, Castrol brand oil drum, Shell Rimula oil to 18 drums of Pertamina brand fake oil.

"All of this oil evidence if the total weight is approximately 9.5 tons," said Head of Sub-Directorate 1 Indagsi of the South Kalimantan Police Ditreskrimsus AKBP Amin Rovi.

Based on SF's confession, he got the oil from a person with the initials AS who was purchased for Rp. 2,500,000 per drum containing 200 liters.

SF also asked the US to buy a Pertamina drum cap seal for IDR 75 thousand a set.

"The suspect was charged with Article 62 paragraph 1 in conjunction with Article 8 paragraph 1 letter a of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection," said Amin.

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