JAKARTA - The Indonesian Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has appointed Kampung Soribo, West Manokwari District, Manokwari, West Papua, to become a pilot village/village aware of the law.

West Manokwari District Head Isak Waramori in Manokwari, Sunday, said that the determination of Kampung Soribo as a pilot village was legally aware after going through the stages of research and direct assessment from the Indonesian KPK.

"The village head has received a certificate and award from the KPK in Jakarta," said Waramori, quoted by Antara.

Isak said that Kampung Soribo was chosen as a pilot on legal awareness because his services had been carried out in accordance with applicable regulations and regulations.

In providing community services, he said, the village government follows all laws, regional regulations, regent regulations, and village regulations themselves.

"That way, people in Soribo also always comply with regulations, people follow the rules that apply in all matters related to the village government," he said.

Initially, he continued, a team from the Indonesian KPK conducted research and assessments in two villages, namely Kampung Soribo and Kampung Aimasi in Prafi District.

The Indonesian KPK team went directly to the two villages to conduct an assessment based on interviews and examination of documents. However, in the end Kampung Soribo, who was designated as a pilot village, was aware of the law.

"Kampung Soribo is the only village in Manokwari Regency that has received legal awareness from the KPK," he said.

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