TANGERANG - Cases of tuberculosis (TBC) in Tangerang City continue to increase. Even based on data from the Tangerang City Health Office, there were 9 thousand people infected with TB.

However, the average infected at an adult age. However, for children there are fewer.

Head of the Tangerang City Health Office (Dinkes), Dr. Dini Anggraeni, said that there is less risk for children to contract the TB virus. This is because there are fewer bacteria in children's bodies than adults.

"Children have a small or whale-biased number of bacteria. Thus, mucus that comes out when coughing or sneezing is less effective in the spread of TB bacteria," said Dini in her statement, Friday, July 12.

However, Dini reminded people not to forget that children under 10 years of age can still contract tuberculosis. This is because TB bacteria can enter the child's body through the respiratory tract.

"The principle of TB prevention and control must also be applied to health facilities where children and their families seek treatment. Therefore, make sure the child is protected from tuberculosis and consults a doctor if the child shows symptoms of tuberculosis," he said.

Dini appealed to parents in Tangerang City not to hesitate to bring their children to posyandu to participate in the TBC or TB screening program which is being intensified by the Tangerang City Government in all health facilities.

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