Acting Chairman of the Indonesian General Elections Commission (KPU) Mochammad Afifuddin admitted that his party had not yet determined the schedule for the plenary meeting to discuss the determination of the definitive chairman to replace Hasyim Asy'ari.

Meanwhile, President Joko Widodo has issued a presidential decision to dismiss Hasyim from the position of Chairman of the Indonesian KPU on 9 July.

"We have not discussed it directly for the post-strict follow-up or Presidential Decree, we accept it," said Afif at the Indonesian KPU Office, Central Jakarta, Friday, July 12.

Along with that, the KPU is also still waiting for Commission II of the DPR RI to hold a meeting to determine the interim replacement (PAW) to fill one vacant position of the Indonesian KPU Commissioner after Hasyim was fired.

"Of course we will wait for the PAW process which will be discussed later in Commission II, then maybe a replacement will be submitted to or the inauguration process to the president," Afif said.

In fact, the remaining six KPU RI commissioners are currently sufficient for a quorum to hold a plenary meeting to determine the definitive KPH Chair. However, there is one thing that makes the plenary meeting not possible.

Currently, a number of Indonesian KPU commissioners are not in Jakarta because they are tasked with directly monitoring the preparation and implementation of re-voting (PSU) in several areas.

"Because my friends share, some are in West Sumatra, there are also PSUs in Kaltara," he said.

Moreover, continued Afif, the KPU still has several months to determine the position of definitive chairman. Referring to KPU Regulation Number 5 of 2022 concerning the Work Procedure of the General Election Commission, Provincial General Election Commission, and Regency/City General Election Commission, plt can serve for 3 months and can be extended to fill the vacant position. definitive.

"The plt issue has a duration of 3 months and one more period can be extended, one more round, and three more months," he said.

"We are actually in the process, we have not discussed it comprehensively either, whether we will immediately definitively re-discuss the definitive chairman, or wait. So, this is a matter of choice," Afif added.

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