The Dean of the Faculty of Health (FK) of the University of Indonesia (UI) Prof. Ari Fahrial Syam asked all relevant stakeholders to make the polemic of dismissing the Dean of FK Universitas Airlangga (Unair) a shared lesson.

"This is a lesson, also for faculty leaders, university leaders, that in our atmosphere, which is building medicine, health, in deciding something, of course we have to consider many things," he said when met at the FK UI Campus, Jakarta, Thursday, July 11, was confiscated by Antara. He also expressed his gratitude to all relevant stakeholders who have played a role in resolving the polemic. "Maybe in the future it will be a lesson that everything is discussed like that, especially in a situation like this," he said. Previously, Unair Chancellor Prof Mohammad Nasih dismissed FK Unair Prof Budi Santoso from his position.

The decision was considered controversial, because Prof. Budi Santoso was one of the figures known to reject the policy of bringing foreign doctors to Indonesia. However, on Tuesday 9 July, the Chancellor of Unair Prof. Mohammad Nasih canceled the decision, so Prof. Budi Santoso returned to his position as Dean of FK Unair.

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