JAKARTA - Member of the DKI Jakarta DPRD from the PDI-P (PDIP) faction, Hardiyanto Kenneth, questioned the essence of the Circular Letter of the Regional Secretary Number 11/SE/2024 concerning Optimizing the Optimization of the Utilization and Provision of Individual Other Services Providers (PJLP) within the Provincial Government of the Special Region of Jakarta.

Currently, there are hundreds of PJLP or honorary workers who have entered the age of 56 who have been terminated because they have entered retirement. They were told that other children or family members could replace them, but until now there is no certainty.

The regulation is stated in the Governor's Decree (Kepgub) Number 1095 of 2022 concerning Guidelines for Control of PJLP which was signed by the Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta, Heru Budi Hartono, on November 1, 2022. Several positions are filled by PJLP/Honorary including the PPSU Task Force in each sub-district in Jakarta, Bina Marga, Dishub, Damkar, Satpol PP, UPK Environmental Water Agency to the Water Resources Service blue Task Force.

"The number of retired PJLP or honorariums has been quite large, but the related SKPD has not been given the opportunity to fill an empty position. It is feared that the vacant position of PJLP/Honorer should be refilled immediately so that the number of compositions does not decrease. The reduction in the number of compositions of PJLP/Honorers could have a negative impact on development and service programs in Jakarta," said Kenneth in his statement, Wednesday, July 10.

The man who is familiarly called Bang Kent highlighted the consequences of the number of honorary staff compositions in the technical and service fields such as heavy equipment operators, pump house guards, garbage car drivers, the Task Force for the Outer Building/PKLG Cleaning of the Water Management Service, as well as the Public Infrastructure and Facilities Handling Task Force (PPSU) in every sub-district office in Jakarta which is reduced.

"The reduction in the amount of composition will automatically have an impact on the work plan, and the strategic implementation of programs in the relevant agencies," he explained.

In addition, this member of Commission D of the DKI Jakarta DPRD strongly supports the moratorium on the recruitment of new PJLP/Honorers for the 2024 procurement year for the efficiency of regional budget savings, but he does not agree if he has to reduce the composition of the number of PJLPs that exist as a result of PJLP/Honorer's retirement.

"In principle, I strongly support the moratorium on the recruitment of new PJLP regulated in the SE Secretary of DKI Jakarta Number 11/SE/2024 concerning the optimization of PJLP/Honorer because it is related to the efficiency of regional budget savings. However, I hope that this moratorium does not apply to retired PJLP/Honorers, because with the reduced composition of the number of existing PJLPs, it will definitely slow down the implementation of ongoing programs," said Kent.

Kent also gave one example of a program that could potentially be hampered if the number of PJLP compositions decreased, namely the mud dredging program in 13 Jakarta rivers. It is known that this mud dredging program should be carried out regularly to reduce the mud sediment found in these 13 rivers, so that the volume power in these 13 rivers can be maximized in accommodating heavy rainfall and water sent from buffer cities which often results in the emergence of flood problems in Jakarta, besides that this mud dredging program also does not need to use too large a budget and is believed to be very effective in overcoming the flood problem in Jakarta.

"One example of a concrete problem is the implementation of mud dredging in 13 rivers in Jakarta which is hampered by the reduced human resources of PJLP/Honorer, and many other problems," said the Head of the DPD PDIP Disaster Management Agency of DKI Jakarta Province.

Kent also responded to the number 4 item in Circular Number 11/SE/2024, which reads, "In the event that there is an urgency of the need for additional and/or replacement of Individual Other Service Providers, the Head of Regional/Biro Devices is required to report a list of the urgency of the priority needs for the addition and/or replacement of Individual Other Service Providers to the Regional Secretary by attaching the results of calculations of needs based on Governor's Decree Number 1195 of 2022 concerning Guidelines for Analysis of Work Types, Workload Analysis, and Evaluation of Types of Other Individual Services Providers' Work to obtain approval from the Regional Secretary, but in fact it is far from fire".

"Relational agencies that use PJLP/Honorer personnel have proposed a letter of application to fill the number of PJLP/Honorers who have retired, but so far they have not received a response. This shows that the number 4 item in the Circular Letter of the Regional Secretary Number 11/SE/2024 has not been running well in its implementation," said the Chairperson of the IKAL (Lemhannas RI Alumni Family Association) PPRA of the LXII Force. This can eliminate a sense of justice for the retired PJLP family.

"The DKI Provincial Government does not seem to understand the priority scale related to optimizing the utilization and structuring of this PJLP. The refill of the vacant PJLP position due to retirement must be carried out immediately. It must be understood that this does not only provide opportunities for PJLP families who retire to earn a living, but can also support the acceleration of program implementation in related agencies. Then the DKI Provincial Government should also be able to give awards and pay more attention to welfare for PJLP who have contributed for years. This includes providing opportunities for their family members to be able to replace their positions after retirement, by ensuring that they have gone through a transition process. a fair and transparent replacement. It must be remembered that in making rules must be based on the principles of good governance, fairness, benefit and equity," he concluded.

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