JAKARTA - The Indonesian House of Representatives officially formed a Special Committee (Pansus) for Hajj 2024 consisting of 30 members. The decision was taken in a plenary meeting chaired by the Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives (DPR) Muhaimin Iskandar or Cak Imin on Tuesday, July 9. "I asked whether the formation and membership of the special committee for the right of Hajj supervision as proposed can be approved?" asked Cak Imin in the meeting. "Agree," replied the participant of the Plenary Meeting. There are 30 members of the Hajj committee to evaluate the implementation of the Hajj pilgrimage in 2024. The following is a complete list of the names of members of the 2024 Hajj Special Committee. Names of Spokespersons as well as proposals for the names of the Special Committee for the implementation of Hajj 2024:1. Selly Andriyany Change (F-PDIP).2. Ice Siti Dewi (F-Golkar)3. Durotun Nafisah (F-Gerindra)4. Kamran (F-NasDem)5. Maman Imanul Haq (F-PKB)6. Nanang Samudra (F-Democrat)7. Wisnu Wijaya Adiputra (F-PKS)8. Dian Istiqomah (F-PAN)9. Achmad Baidowi (F-PPP)

Meanwhile, the names Anggo DPR RI's Angket Committee for Hajj implementation 2024:1. Diah Pitaloka (F-PDIP)2. My Esti Wijayanti (F-PDIP)3. Selly Andriyany Gantina (F-PDIP).4. Mukhlis Basri (F-PDIP)5. Arteria Dahlan (F-PDIP)6. Mufti Anam (F-PDIP)7. Andreas Eddy Susetyo (F-PDIP)8.TB Ace Hasan Syadzily (F-Golkar)9. John Kenedy Azis (F-Golkar)10. Endang Maria Astuti (F-Golkar)11. Nusron Wahid (F-Golkar)12. Abdul Wachid (F-Gerindra)13. Sodik Mujahid (F-Gerindra)14. Mohamad Haikal (F-Gerindra)15. Puti Sari (F-Gerindra)16. Marwan Dasopang (F-PKB)17. Maman Imanul Haq (F-PKB)18. Luluk Nur Hamidah (F-PKB)19. Marwan Cik Asan (F-Democrat)20. Wastam (F-Democrat)21. Aliyah Mustika Ilham (F-Democrat)22. Iskan Qolba Lubis (F-PKS)23. Wisnu Wijaya (F-PKS)24. Ledia Hanifa Amaliah (F-PKS)25. Syarif Abdullah (F-NasDem)26. Sri Wulan (F-NasDem)27. Delmoria (F-NasDem)28. Saleh Partaonan Daulay (F-PAN)29. Ashabubul Kahfi (F-PAN)30. Achmad Baidowi (F-PP) Previouslyly, the reason for the formation of the 2024 Hajiket Award was presented by members of Commission VIII.

"The determination and distribution of additional hajj quotas is not in accordance with Law number 8 of 2019 concerning the implementation of Hajj and Umrah in article 64 paragraph 2, it is stated that the special hajj quota is set at 8 percent of the Indonesian hajj quota so that the decision of the Minister of Religion number 118 of 2024 concerning instructions for the implementation of the fulfillment of additional special hajj quotas and the remaining special hajj quotas of 1445 h or 2024 AD contradicts the law and does not match the results of the conclusion of the committee meeting between Commission VIII and the Minister of Religion regarding the determination of BPIH," said Selly.

"The additional quota for pilgrims seems only to be pride, but is not in line with improving services and commitments in efforts to shorten the waiting time for pilgrims who have registered," he continued.

The second reason, said Selly, is that there are indications of additional quotas amid abuse by the government. Third, continued Selly, Armuzna's services have not changed due to imperfect agreements. For example, overcapacity, both tents and MCK, even though the costs handed over have increased according to additional congregations related to accommodation, catering, and transportation.

"The various findings and legal considerations above are the reasons and are the basis for proposing the importance of establishing the hajj right to uncover several irregularities in laws and regulations and various policies that have been agreed upon between the DPR and the government, so that the determination of the hajj quota and the implementation of the hajj pilgrimage is carried out according to principles and on the principles of justice, transparency, and accountability," he said.

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