JAKARTA - A 21-year-old student in Liverpool, England suffers from a tumor due to a doctor's malpractice. The melon-sized tumor grows hair and teeth.

Initially, the victim named Mia Robins felt painful pressure in her stomach when her first year was studying at the university.

Quoting The Sun, Thursday, July 4, the doctor who treated the 21-year-old woman diagnosed the victim with alopecia, anemia, and urinary tract infection.

However, the six-month diagnosis of the disease was accompanied by alarming symptoms. The biomedical science student became often exhausted, lost weight drafted, and hair fell out.

Mia's health condition continues to decline. After the ultrasound was carried out in June 2022, the victim was sentenced to ovarian cancer. Stage 1

Mia, who was then 19 years old, underwent emergency surgery to remove a growing tumor.

According to different doctors, the cancer is as big as melon and filled with hair and teeth.

The doctor who handled Mia's surgery said the cancer grew teeth and hair due to good blood supply.

Cancer reappeared six months later. However, in August 2023, Mia was declared cured after three months of chemotherapy treatment.

Mia, who revealed what she experienced recently, reminded patients to confirm or diagnose health conditions to other medical health services if they feel something is wrong.

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