JAKARTA - Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono responded to Gibran Rakabuming Raka, who blusukan for the "shopping" of problems to 3 locations in Jakarta today. According to Heru, what Gibran did was a positive activity.

"Yes, that's okay. Good," said Heru in Palmerah, West Jakarta, Wednesday, July 3.

Heru confirmed that Gibran had asked him for permission before blusukan. To Heru, the elected Vice President of 2024 admitted that he was observing the problems that had to be resolved in Jakarta.

"Yes, at that time he conveyed as the mayor of the observer, right. This, you know, there are problems and things that must be backed up in the central government. He has recorded what is important. Clean water, sanitation is like a slum house," said Heru.

Gibran Rakabuming Raka made a visit to three locations in Jakarta today. The eldest son of President Joko Widodo started his blusukan at Manggis Market, South Jakarta, followed by Kampung Deret Pelangi Tanah Tinggi, Johar Baru, Central Jakarta. Finally, Gibran, who was accompanied by artist Raffi Ahmad, blusukan to Nangka Market, Kemayoran, Central Jakarta.

"Last week, the Governor and I visited several problematic places, flooded places, but yesterday there was a solution," Gibran told reporters at the Nangka Market.

"Today we have all three points, regional points that need special attention, there are slum areas, here there is a market," he continued.

Gibran said the blusukan activity today is part of the'shopping for problems' in Jakarta. He stressed that he would continue to visit places such as densely populated houses to markets and give full attention to these locations.

"This includes spending on problems, that's why last week we visited slum places, flooded places, today we are shopping for more problems at three points, including seeing the prices in the market, chili prices and others," he explained.

"The point is that in the future places like this, especially those in Jakarta, will be given full attention," added Gibran.

The mayor of Solo also admitted that he had obtained permission from the Acting Governor of Central Java not to serve in the regions and blusukan to Jakarta as the elected vice president.

"Yes, basically I have permission from the Acting Governor to shop for problems, and he has allowed it," said Gibran.

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