JAKARTA - A total of 176 tombstones at two Jewish cemeteries in Cincinnati, Ohio, United States (US) were damaged.

Many tombstones, some from the late 1800s, were torn down, some even split into two, at the cemetery of Tifereth Israel and Beth Hamedrash Hagadol at the Covedale Cemetery complex.

The Cincinnati Jewish Federation and the Jewish Community Relations Council say vandalism is believed to have taken place between June 25 and July 1.

The FBI, Cincinnati police and Green Township in Hamilton County are investigating the case of destroying this tombstone.

"We firmly condemn this act of hatred and blasphemy. Our hearts are on the families affected by this unreasonable vandalism. The Jewish community in Cincinnati is resilient, and we are committed to repairing the damage and restoring the purification of this holy space," the federation said., Wednesday, July 2nd.

Sue Susskind, executive director of Jewish Cemetery in Greater Cincinnati said law enforcement had given permission to repair and examine the tombstone. Some tombstones were so heavy that they had to be lifted with the help of a crane.

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