The West Java Regional Police's legal team revealed the results of a forensic psychological test on the main suspects in the Vina and Eky Cirebon murder cases, namely Pegi Setiawan in a pretrial hearing held at the Bandung District Court, West Java.

One of the West Java Regional Police's legal teams who read out the answer explained that based on the results of the examination, it was known that Pegi Setiawan had a tendency to lie and be manipulative when tested by West Java Police investigators.

"During the examination, Pegi Setiawan often shook his head, eye contact was not maintained or tended to avoid eye contact and tended to be nervous," said one member of the West Java Regional Police's legal team led by the Head of the West Java Regional Police, Kombes Nurhadi Handayani, as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, July 2.

He explained that Pegi Setiawan generally has a tendency to lie and be manipulative, because there was a difference in information during the examination of Pegi and his father Rudi Irawan regarding Vina's murder.

"That in Pegi Setiawan there is an attitude of tendency to lie or cover up the truth and be manipulative and there is a difference in the story between Pegi and his father when asked about the same incident," he said.

Investigators from the West Java Regional Police took quite a long time during the examination and the suspect often answered he did not know and was stuttering.

"Not experiencing time and memory space disorientation, it is difficult to convey detailed information and some inconsistent information looks restless and worried. There is no hope of perturbation perception. There is no problem with the thought test," he said.

According to him, the purpose of conducting forensic psychological tests on Pegi is to get an overview of the suspect's psychological condition which includes intelligence, personality, mental status, and evaluating the suspect's credibility.

"The second goal is to evaluate the credibility of the suspect's statement regarding the incident that became the basis of the case and get an overview of the context of the suspect's psychosocial life," he said.

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