PADANG - The Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK) received a request for protection from six people related to the death of Afif Maulana, a junior high school (SMP) student in Padang City, West Sumatra (West Sumatra) who was initially suspected of being abused.

"There are already six people who have submitted applications through their attorney, LBH Padang," said Deputy Chairperson of LPSK Susilaningtias, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, July 2.

However, Susilaningtias did not specify who the six people who applied for protection were. It's just that the applicant is part of the family to the victim's witness in the case.

Regarding the substance conveyed by legal assistants to LPSK, Susilaningtias also did not specify certain considerations, however, in general, the reporters asked LPSK for assistance, especially in the event of threats.

"So far there has been no threat, but they said if there is a threat of asking for help so that LPSK provides protection to the victim's witness and his family," he explained.

Currently, LPSK is investigating further the completeness of the applicant's application file because there are still incomplete ones. Not only that, LPSK has also coordinated with the Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI) regarding Afif Maulana's death.

The coordination is considering that KPAI together with the National Police Commission (Kompolnas) visited the location where Afif Maulanapada was found some time, namely under the Kuranji Bridge, Padang City.

In the near future, LPSK will visit Padang City to follow up on the petitioner's requirements, then review whether there is an element of a criminal act regulated in the law.

Furthermore, what is no less important is to dig up the applicant's statement to uncover the case.

"LPSK will also check whether there are threats, including ensuring whether there are traumatic conditions experienced by family and victims. If there is, we will immediately assess medically and psychologically," he said.

Finally, LPSK guarantees that if there are other witnesses who dare to speak up regarding the disclosure of the case, they will fully receive assistance and protection from LPSK.

"So, don't hesitate to talk and tell LPSK," he said.

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