The Bali Provincial Government has requested the involvement of various parties to jointly prevent suicide cases because the crime rate or suicide rate in Bali is the highest in Indonesia based on data from the Indonesian National Police's Criminal Information Center.

"Let's go down together. Then we have community institutions, let's do it according to our respective duties," said Bali Provincial Secretary Dewa Made Indra, Monday, July 1.

Based on data from the Indonesian Criminal Information Center (Pusiknas) of the National Police who received reports of suicide cases throughout 2023, the crime rate or suicide rate in Bali reached 3.07. The Suicide rate is calculated based on the number of suicide cases compared to the population. In 2023, 135 cases of suicide in Bali were reported.

In addition to Bali, which occupies the highest suicide rate, then the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) ranks second with a Suicide rate of 1.58. The third rank is Bengkulu Province with a suicide rate of 1.53. Meanwhile, Aceh is in a distended position from all provinces in Indonesia, the crime rate is 0.02.

According to Dewa Indra, so far there are no programs from local governments that are specific to prevent suicide cases, but to prevent similar cases from happening again, of course, it requires an approach from various parties.

He revealed that efforts to prevent suicide cases can be carried out starting from education in the family environment, involvement of psychiatrists and psychologists, universities to mental hospitals to provide counseling.

"Hopefully in the future we can prevent, including religious leaders on various occasions, can provide enlightenment to our people that suicide is not a way to solve the problem. There must be another way," he said.

The Bali Provincial Government, continued Dewa Indra, had previously conducted studies related to suicide cases in collaboration with mental health experts. In addition, mapping has also been carried out and it is recommended to carry out a number of activities that can be helped.

"If the cause is due to personal problems, it will be difficult. However, in general, we need our joint efforts to invite the community to find solutions," he said.

The case of suicide that occurred, said Dewa Indra, was also closely related to a person's personality, especially by someone who was introverted or covered by the person and did not want to communicate.

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