TANGERANG - Head of RT 05/03, Romli said the perpetrator, Sulissetiawan (40) had been preparing gasoline since the afternoon, before his wife arrived home, on Jalan Irigasi, Cipondoh, Tangerang City.

Romli said that in the afternoon he saw gasoline piled up with wood. However, Romli thought the gasoline would be used for the perpetrator's motorbike.

"There was a pile of wood, I saw it. But I knew I made the motorbike, I didn't suspect it. From the afternoon there was already (the gas)," he said.

After his wife returned home, Romli continued, her husband immediately poured the gasoline on his wife's body and then ignited it with a match.

"Suddenly accompanied by her husband, fighting, here there were also four witnesses. Not long after, her husband was holding gasoline, he was immediately poured into his wife's body, then burned," said Romli.

Romli revealed that the perpetrator was annoyed that his wife left the rented house with the house key.

At that time, the victim went to leave the rented house to the photocopy site to take care of the population file.

"The noise was because his wife left a photocopy, because he didn't come home for a long time, then the key was taken. Maybe he photocopy wanted to take care of the file. Maybe he was emotional, misunderstood," said Romli.

Based on the confessions of local residents, Romli continued, the perpetrators and the previous victims were also often involved in fights.

"Yes, there is a small fuss in ordinary households, according to neighbors here, it often happens like that," he said.

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