JAKARTA - General Chairperson of the Central Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI), Hendry Ch Bangun, received a visit from the Chairman of PWI Ogan Komering Ilir (OKI) Regency, Idham Syarif, at the Central PWI Office, Jalan Kebon Sirih, Central Jakarta, Monday, July 1. Hendry was accompanied by Deputy Secretary General Raja Pane, Director of UKW Firdaus Komar, and Deputy for Organization Irmanto.

Idham Syarif stated that this visit was a form of respect for the Central PWI. "For us, this arrival is like visiting parents' homes. This office is the PWI office throughout Indonesia," said Idham.

During the meeting, Idham conveyed three main aspirations from PWI OKI Regency. First, he hopes that the Central PWI can provide recommendations to district/city governments to support PWI's finances in the regions. Second, he asked that district/city PWI be given voting rights in the PWI Congress. Third, Idham emphasized that PWI OKI remains perpendicular and loyal to the Central PWI, even though there are issues circulating outside.

Responding to these aspirations, Hendry Ch Bangun stated that PWI cannot apply the organization's budget to the government. "As chairman, it takes leadership and creativity. There are many things that can be done in the region, the important thing is to communicate with the local government and stakeholders," explained Hendry.

Furthermore, Hendry added that PWI already has a reputation as a national press organization. "With this reputation, PWI friends in the regions can collaborate to create programs that are useful with the local government," he added. Hendry also explained that the Central PWI requires operational costs for organizations, including employees of the secretariat, which are covered through cooperation with various parties.

Regarding the request for voting rights in the PWI Congress, Hendry suggested that it be submitted in advance to the organization sector to be discussed and included in the PD/ART. "I think that is possible, the important thing is to submit it to the organizational sector first," he said.

The 50 PWI group of OKI Regency also plans to visit PWI Yogyakarta and Media of People's Sovereignty after coming from PWI Pusat.

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