JAKARTA - The Mataram City Police, West Nusa Tenggara, received the post-mortem results of the late student of the Al-Aziziyah Islamic Boarding School (Ponpes) with the initials NI (13) who was suspected of being a victim of persecution.

Head of the Mataram Police Satreskrim Kompol I Made Yogi Purusa Utama said the results of the post-mortem are now the basis for the police to carry out investigations.

"So the parties we previously invited to provide information we called again as witnesses to undergo examination, today we sent a call," said Yogi as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, July 1.

The parties, he said, were not only from the victim's parents, but also from the Al-Aziziyah Islamic Boarding School.

"Medical workers who have handled the treatment of victims from polyclinics, health centers, to dr. Raden Soedjono Hospital are also scheduled to explain the post-mortem," he said.

Kasatreskrim explained that the results of the post-mortem, which became the basis for increasing the status of case handling to the investigation stage, came from polyclinics and puskesmas.

"Later on, we will ask for the results of the post-mortem from Dr. Raden Soedjono Hospital in the examination agenda," he said.

Although reluctant to reveal the results, Yogi confirmed that his party had found indications of unlawful acts from the handling of reports at the investigation stage.

Regarding the autopsy of NI's body, the police have not yet received official results from the Bhayangkara Mataram Hospital.

"So, we are still waiting for the autopsy results, later it will be complete evidence," he said.

Santriwati NI died on Saturday morning (29/6) after undergoing medical treatment for 16 days, starting from polyclinics, moving to puskesmas, and ending at dr. Raden Soedjono Hospital, East Lombok Regency.

The girl from Ende, East Nusa Tenggara, died leaving questions from her parents and the public. Therefore, the victim's parents chose to do an autopsy on NI's body at the Bhayangkara Mataram Hospital to reveal the cause of NI's death.

In handling the report, the police received information from the victim's parents that the NI female students had received violent behavior from a number of people at the Al-Aziziyah Islamic Boarding School.

The allegation relates to beatings using wooden blocks and prayer mats. This resulted in the victim experiencing swelling in the left eye and lumps on the right side of the head.

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