JAKARTA Google revealed three types of fraud that occur during the holiday season, especially at the end of the year. This scam usually takes advantage of messaging platforms such as emails.

Hackers and fraudsters usually use these three methods to steal the user's internal data, spread viruses such as malware, and many more. Here are three scams that Google often finds on the internet, both social media and email.

When getting these three types of scams, Google asks internet users to be more careful and observe first the messages they get on social media or email. The reason is, fraudsters have almost the same pattern.

Before clicking or responding to a link, you must check the sender of the message carefully. Never respond to suspicious messages such as senders who are not from the official account of a company or messy message grammar.

If you find a message or email suspected of being spam or phishing, report the sender of the message to the messaging platform or email platform used. By officially reporting, the message and sender can be followed up.

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