Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Hadi Tjahjanto requires all ministries, institutions and agencies to back up or back up data to anticipate hacking like what happened some time ago.

"Every tenant or ministry must also have a backup, this is mandatory, no longer optional, so that if operationally the national data center is currently running, there is a disturbance, there is still a back up," Hadi said as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, July 1.

According to Hadi, data in several ministries and agencies can still be saved after the hack of PDNS 2 if backup is carried out.

Now, Hadi and his staff are working on PDNS 2 to resume operations this month in various ways.

One of them is by backuping data from the cold site which was upgraded to the Batam site hotel.

To note, the hot site is a system that regulates the use of alternative physical location backup data.

It didn't stop there, Hadi also tried to protect the multi-layered data by backing up PDNS 2 data with a closed screen which was monitored directly by the National Cyber Password Agency (BSSN).

"Then we will also backup it with a backup, this backup is zoning, so later the general data will be then the data, which is like statistics and so on, will be stored in a closed area. So that the data in PDN is not full," said Hadi.

Dengan penguatan pencadangan data itu, Hadi memastikan PDNS 2 sudah bisa beroperasi bulan ini sehingga seluruh instansi pemerintah bisa kembali melayani masyarakat.

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