Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menkopolhukam) Hadi Tjahjanto ensured that National Data Center (PDN) or PDNS 2 services that received cyber attacks in the form of randsomware recovered this month.

"This discussed the follow-up to the President's order so that all public services can return to normal in July 2024," Hadi said at a press conference at the office of the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, Central Jakarta, Monday, July 1, which was confiscated by Antara.

Efforts made by Hadi and the ranks of the Ministry of Communication and Information and the National Cyber Password Agency (BSSN) are to back up or back up PDNS 2 with cold sites that will be improved by hot sites in Batam.

To note, the hot site is a system that regulates the use of alternative physical location backup data.

It did not stop there, the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs also sought to protect the multi-layered data from PDNS 2 with clouds monitored directly by BSSN.

"Each data center owner also has a backup so that there are at least three layers to four layers of backup, then we will also backup it with a backup cloud," said Hadi.

Thus, continued Hadi, statistical data from each agency can be backuped in the cloud so that the data in PDN is not full.

With the deployment of a hot site as a data backup provider, Hadi believes that all ministry sites or institutions whose data at PDNS 2 can resume operations.

Previously, on Monday, June 24, the government through BSSN and the Ministry of Communication and Information identified as many as 211 agencies affected by the PDNS 2 cyber attack incident.

Then on Tuesday, June 25, 282 agencies were identified as affected by the PDNS 2 incident.

However, on Wednesday, June 26, it was recorded that 44 agencies were ready to recover data, while the rest were still in process. Of all that, five agencies have served the community again after migrating data.

Minister of Communication and Information Budi Ari Setiadi and Head of BSSN Hinsa Siburian have explained to Commission I of the DPR RI regarding cyber attacks on PDNS 2.

Budi Arie said there were no indications of data leakage due to cyberattack disturbances against PDNS 2 in Surabaya.

"Earlier, the results of the meeting with Commission I showed no indication and there was no evidence of data leakage," said Budi Arie briefly in an intercept interview after a working meeting with Commission I of the DPR RI at the DPR RI Building, Senayan, Jakarta, Thursday, June 27 evening.

Budi Arie said efforts to restore PDNS 2 were still being carried out. The Ministry of Communication and Information targets a full recovery of PDNS 2 to be completed by mid-August 2024.

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